Račianska 190, 835 26 Bratislava

Chorvátsko 2024

Spolufinancované Európskou úniou


Erasmus+ mobility is perhaps the most known EU programme among European students. Countless universities as well as secondary schools annually take part in the project so that their students can spend unforgettable time abroad. Did you know though that it’s not only students but also teachers who can participate in the mobility?

This year our three teachers (me among them) went to Rijeka, Croatia, as a part of Erasmus+ project, to have a job shadowing experience in Novi List, one of the most famous Croatian newspaper and printing house at the same time. For those who don’t know what job shadowing is, it is mainly a way one can learn something new. But long story short, it’s about following and observing someone while they are at work performing their tasks. There are several advantages stemming from job shadowing.

First and foremost, being on site makes everything much more attention-getting. And not only that but also more understandable. In our case you could get acquainted with all the complicated processes which take place in a printing house and that not only by reading books relying solely on your imagination and a few pictures here and there. If there is anything unclear you could talk to your mentor any time you wanted and your questions were promptly answered.

I didn’t study printing processes either at university or secondary school. For such a person teaching vocational topics related to printing in our English language classes was quite challenging at the beginning. Experiencing Erasmus+ was of benefit to me because I was able to refine my vocabulary, pick up new terminology, better understand and learn more about the printing industry, discuss its future, see working environment in Croatia and get to know new people.

It would be foolish of me not to mention that there was also some free time in the afternoon that we could spend doing anything so who wouldn’t go out and swim in the beautiful crystal-clear Croatian sea. All in all, if you ever get an opportunity to participate in an Erasmus+ project, whether as a student, teacher or an employee, my advice is SIGN UP. 

Mgr. Kristián Dolejší