Račianska 190, 835 26 Bratislava

My mobility experience in Milazzo, Sicily

This is a detailed review of my work at Promo Print in Milazzo, Italy, street Via Migliavacca 13. In a way, I was guided by my boss, Natale Tricamo, who gave me a chance to work, participate in the firm’s prosperity in the field of graphics, stamps, printed materials.

Promo Print, a vibrant company that had been providing excellent quality images, stamps and prints. The company’s work in Milazzo was meticulous, inspired, and painstakingly precise. It was an experience full of enlightenment where working with my team members at Promo Print had a very lively ambience.

My work experience would not have been complete without Natale Tricama, my boss at Promo Print. It was fun working at the company because of his excellent leadership skills together with a great sense of humor. In this regard, Natale’s amiable nature and an eagle-eyed perception to my growth as a professional. Natale was also accompanied by his wife whose name I cannot remember among the other employees of the company. She brought something to look forward to for the employees. Her family-like approach contributed significantly to the environment promoting belonging and teamwork. And there was also an adorable dog that came along to complement the warmness and homely feel of the office place.

At Promo Print, my fellow colleague Marian and I recounted our stories and divided work duties among us. In most cases we were assigned different tasks. Sometimes our boss would give us the same project with the intention of a fair competition. Every project gave us the feeling that we were engaged in a fight. We felt like we needed to take up arms against an enemy together.

Our work hours at Promo Print extended from 10: 30 AM to 4:30 PM. This period was very favourable since it created a balance between my professional obligations to other work commitments. A variety of graphic projects that we took up included logo design and business cards. Although, a good number of our efforts were centred on writing creative and eye-catching posters. The work remained interesting as there were various tasks. There was a perfect mix of challenge and reward at Promo Print. Notwithstanding the complex design problems that some of the tasks presented, there was no unsolvable issue. Natale’s contributions as a leader were immensely important in addressing even the most complicated design problems. It was tremendously gratifying to address tough projects that were satisfactorily concluded.

My time in Promo Print remains a significant milestone in my professional and personal life. This was an amazing experience and it made me remember it because there were many kinds of projects, good working environment where was another nice colleague of mine called Marián.

In brief, my time in Promo Print under the leadership of Natale Tricamo was a really satisfying chapter in my career.

Martin Fajtl, IV.GMA