Račianska 190, 835 26 Bratislava

ERASMUS OČAMI ŽIAKOV: Sicily, Oct 2023, Nikola Jančiová


Sicily, October 2023

I have decided to apply for Erasmus mobility for many reasons. I wanted to make special memories with my friends, experience living and working in a foreign country and try their local food.

I worked for a company called Highfly located in Millazzo for which I did graphics, social media ads, posters and even logos for a perfume company. It really gave me a lot of experience in a foreign work environment, for the first time in my life I worked for a real firm and I worked in the industry in which I want to work in the future.

The thing I enjoyed most was probably the Italian style of living – no stress as they don’t worry about anything really. I am a very tense and stressed person so it was great to let that side of me go for a few weeks.

It’s definitely worth applying for the mobility. If you do so, I promise, you will enjoy it like I did; you will gain a lot of new skills and meet a lot of interesting people, make new friends and learn a lot about yourself. It is once in a lifetime chance to live and work abroad for a short period of time and take all the advantages of being a student. If you take part, you will never regret it.

Nikola Jančiová, IV. GMA