ERASMUS OČAMI ŽIAKOV: Granada, Spain, September – October 2023, Denis Kollárovič
PROGRAMME THROUGH THE EYES OF OUR STUDENTS Granada, Spain, September – October 2023 I took part in the Erasmus Plus programme in the 4th grade. We went to Granada, Spain for three weeks. We were very pleased with our accommodation as well as the food and of course the places we had an opportunity to visit at weekends such as Gibraltar, Malaga, and Nerja. On the first day of our mobility we went to meet our bosses and mentors at companies we were supposed to work with. Me personally, I worked at a company called STARTIDEA and I couldn’t have asked for a better place. […]
ERASMUS OČAMI ŽIAKOV: Sicily, Oct 2023, Nikola Jančiová
PROGRAMME THROUGH THE EYES OF OUR STUDENTS Sicily, October 2023 I have decided to apply for Erasmus mobility for many reasons. I wanted to make special memories with my friends, experience living and working in a foreign country and try their local food. I worked for a company called Highfly located in Millazzo for which I did graphics, social media ads, posters and even logos for a perfume company. It really gave me a lot of experience in a foreign work environment, for the first time in my life I worked for a real firm and I worked in the […]
ERASMUS OČAMI ŽIAKOV: Sicily, Oct 2023 Martin Fajtl
PROGRAMME THROUGH THE EYES OF OUR STUDENTS Sicily, October 2023 Erasmus+ really caught my eye for many reasons but the ones that made me apply were mainly the possibility to experience real workplace abroad, get to know a different culture and travel. We went to Sicily, Millazzo, which is a small medieval town with the oldest castle on Sicily, situated on the northern coast of the island. The architecture and the environment were stunning. Our accommodation was really close to the sea and we could see the beach from our balcony and used to go for a swim almost every […]
My mobility experience in Milazzo, Sicily
This is a detailed review of my work at Promo Print in Milazzo, Italy, street Via Migliavacca 13. In a way, I was guided by my boss, Natale Tricamo, who gave me a chance to work, participate in the firm’s prosperity in the field of graphics, stamps, printed materials. Promo Print, a vibrant company that had been providing excellent quality images, stamps and prints. The company’s work in Milazzo was meticulous, inspired, and painstakingly precise. It was an experience full of enlightenment where working with my team members at Promo Print had a very lively ambience. My work experience would […]
Cornetto, Gelato, Mare Siciliano e Pratica – ErasmusPlus
2023 V rámci projektu Erasmus + sa naša škola podujala aj tento rok uskutočniť dve pracovné stáže. Okrem septembrového Španielska sme sa v októbri vydali aj do Talianska, a to konkrétne na Sicíliu. Hoci pre nás Slovákov sa leto v októbri už dávno skončilo, stredomorské októbrové počasie nám dovolilo predĺžiť si leto a užívať si celé tri týždne našej mobility príjemných 25 stupňov. Našou destináciou mobility bolo mesto Milazzo. Rozlieha sa na miniatúrnom polostrovčeku vyčnievajúcom do Tyrrhenského mora v oblasti Messina. Polostrov je taký úzky, no zároveň taký útesový, že poskytuje skutočne čarovné výhľady na okolie. Stačí sa prejsť len […]